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I nearly forgot what my running trainers looked like….

Along long long time ago – okay, I’m exaggerating slightly, 12 weeks ago, I struggled with a Sunday club run that left me upset & frustrated. I didn’t know what happened or what I did at the time but I couldn’t walk let alone run, I left the Sunday Redway Runners club run and limped the 1.5 miles’ home. OK, I was stubborn prior to this run as I knew I had an injury but I couldn’t give up, I didn’t want to until this day! I had had enough, I thought, right that’s it, no more running for me I’ve done something so bad to my knee now. I then, asked for advice from CleanCoachKatie, , who advised me to go and see Rudi from the Treatment lab . I’m so glad I did as he quickly diagnosed me with a TFL muscle Injury / IT Band injury problems.

Pain may refer down the outer thigh, Pain when lying on the affected hip & the Pain is worse when weight bearing on one side. People with IT band syndrome typically experience sharp pain at the outside of the knee joint, either at or just below the rounded end of the thighbone, the outside of the thigh feels tight and hip and knee may be less flexible.

Everyday religiously for 12 weeks.

I exercised, iced and took Ibuprofen and I attempted little easy runs to re-build the muscle & IT Band. Rudi also videoed me running quite recently and found I over pronate on my right foot, so with some padding in this shoe this has helped no end. I’ve never been so determined to do this, Okay, so I had bitch fits, emotional breakdowns and ‘I JUST CAN'T DO THIS ‘moments along the way but I’m still here otherwise I wouldn’t be boring you with my blog, sometimes you just needed to mentally SLAP yourself and move on and try again…


My running has been somewhat non-existent, I’ve literally been falling through my door in tears after my 1.5 mile plods recently, I’ve failed and failed again… So, with help and support from Katie ( CCK ) & Rudi (The treatment lab ) this is what else I’ve been up to, changing the negative to positive In a paragraph.

I’ve been having monthly treatments to help re-build the strength in my hip and regular sports massages which help pain relief, build muscles and encourage the recovery as well. Not only does massage feel good on the muscle tissues, it actually is good for them. It’s not just about running right? It’s about core and strength too, so I’ve kept busy with a monthly visit to Katie’s PT studio where she worked my glutes so much, I thought I’d changed into JLO’s rear in the space of 10 minutes. I’ve also been enjoying Katie’s Core sessions on Wednesdays.

Look how happy we all look after being put through what I can only describe as ARMY COMBAT training. why is this important? - (not the combat bit, the actually fitness we do) A strong core helps runners with their stability, balance, posture and overall control. ... Overall, core strength training reinforces the way that your pelvis, abs, hips and lower back work together, also meeting with my peers offers support on a much deeper level than fitness.


I feel I might be boring you a little bit, so I’m going to end this with my recent activity, this is the reason why I DIDN’T GIVE UP…

I finally went back to running with my club last night, the first time in 12 weeks. I loved every minute of it. I’m still not 100% back to my ability but what I am is, focused… It’s good to be back.

My marathon Training continues. …

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